the public law.

To this end, the Committee offers to the Department of Health

Services the assistance of its staff members.

It is recommended that the Congress, through its Snecial Joint

Committee, cause to be printed a summary of this report and its recommendations
in the Marshallese language and that such report be distributed to the peonrle
of Rongelap and Utirik,

The Committee recommends that due to the unique nature of the effects

of radiation and the special situation of the affected Marshallese, that members
of the Special Joint Committee accompany the annual examinations to assure
that its recommendations are carried out and that at the same time,

encourage further involvement of the Nitijela


(Marshall Islands District


The Committee recommends that its mandate be enlarged in scope and


that its life be extended to January,


Legislature) by sending two members to accompany those from the Joint Committee.

The People of Rongelap and Utirik


To the people of Rongelap and Utirik, the Special Joint Committee

recommends that they form Fallout Survivors Councils, composed of members of
the regular island municipal council, flus senior exposed persons.

This is a

the people involved might hetter be able to express their concerns or agitate
for correction of what they consider to be problems,



common cractice in Japan, and the Committee feels that through groups like these,

Select target paragraph3