examinations mav go on for 25 years or more,

As provided for by law

(introduced by the Committee during the First

Regular Session of the Fifth Congress)

the Trust Territory will provide free

transportation, housing and ner diem to those Rongelap and Utirik survivors,
their descendants, and those who agree to act as members of a control group if
they wish to go to Majuro for a health examination.

The Trust Territory, under

this law, will also be responsible for keeping track of all survivors and
descendants, and control persons and arrange to see that they are all in
places available to the BNL team during its visits.

It is recommended, in conjunction with BNL and the AEC, that health

aides on Rongelan and Utirik should be given additional training in record
keeoing and certain methods of examination (palpation of the thyroid, for

They should also be required to send in a monthly report hy radio

to Majuro and written monthly reports

(vital statistics) on every field trip


It is also recommended that the Division of Community Development

encourage self-help programs in the areas of agriculture,

fisheries, and

handicraft production on the islands of Rongelap and Utirik.

Congress of Micronesia


It is recommended that the Congress of Micronesia pass the law

introduced by the Committee which will provide for free transportation, housing,
and per diem for exposed, descendants of exposed, and control versons.

The Committee also recommends that the Congress, through its Special

cause to be printed survivors and control persons booklets in Marshallese and
English with the name,

case number,

name of island,

etc., as described in




Joint Committee shall, in conjunction with the Department of liealth Services,

Select target paragraph3