are with the welfare of the reonle involved,

The Committee notes that,

as with the issue of Rongelap, tne Administration many tires in the past has
reacted defensively concerning certain issues raised, or to criticisms
about existing problems

instead of sitting down with

those who raised the

issues or made criticisms and trving to find out just what was wrong or
how the situation could he corrected.

Felative to this,

the Cormittee is

pleased to note the excellent cooreration of the executive branch with
this committee of the Congress wnich has perhaps,

in part, resulted from

a greater understanding by the executive branch of the rerplexing vrohlems
and difficult issues involving the people of Rongelap and Utirik.


Committee is hapry to note this apparent change and hopes that it presages
increasing cooperation between the executive and legislative branches of the
Trust Territory Government in the future, concerning the subject matter of
this report, as well as other considerations affecting the interests and
well-being of the people of Micronesia,

United mations

The Committee recommends that the United “lations Scientific Committee
On Radiation issue an annual renort of the findings of surveys on the
Marshallese, Americans, and Janancse exrosed to the March 1,
from the "Bravo"

1954, fallout

test and that scientific meetings on the subject be held,

as suggested by Dr.


Select target paragraph3