
the Committee has made recommendations, the intent of which is to provide


for care and treatment for an indefinite period of time,


Other effects may not appear until a second or third generation,

There have been failures on the part of the executive

branch and the Congress in this respect,

With this in mind, the Committee

has made recommendations which it feels are realistic and practical;



or they were ignored,


the Congress in the past, often their recommendations were not carried out


Secondly, the Committee is aware that of the many reports issued from

the most feasible extent possible.

This extension will also allow the

Committee to study the subject area of compensation more thoroughly before
presenting its report on that subject to the Congress,
Finally, the Committee wishes to note that this Committee and this
report would not have been

necessary had certain persons, both Americans

and Micronesians, carried out their responsibilities.

The Committee finds

the AEC and BNL guilty of allowing the people involved to remain in virtual
ignorance for nearly twenty years.

The Committee also notes that many

Marshallese in government service have participated in these examinations
for nearly eighteen years and while they must have been aware of the
complaints of the people and their need for information, never took the

initiative to correct this situation.

The Committee also expresses its

concern that the Marshall Islands District Legislature has apparently



taken on its recommendations to insure that all of them are carried out to


extended officially until January, 1975, so that it can monitor the action


The Committee is also recommending that its life be


the people involved,


can be implemented in a relatively short period of time to the benefit of


should meet with no objections from any of the parties concerned, and which

Select target paragraph3