the experiences of the affected Marshallese, there has been a tendency, perhaps


To be fair,the Committee would

also like to note that such tests and studies have not always included the


and members of

the teams themselves have had their blood and urine tested for comparison

Even Dr. Conard himself has allowed himself to be used as a “guinea

pig" as disclosed by this excerpt from the eleven- and twelve-year report



"Since facilities for a metabolic balance study were not available on
Rongelap Island, one of us (R.A.C.) brought several native food items
(pandanus fruit and coconut meat and milk) back to Brookhaven and consumed
them under controlled conditions.
Urinary and fecal specimens were
collected and whole body counting measurements were made over a period
of 180 days.
The intake of strontium-90 over a seven-day period was
twenty times higher than normal and that of cesium-137, sixty times higher

than normal."

In conclusion, the Committee offers the suggestion that by the very nature
of their experience and conditions and by the very nature of the unique set of
circumstances surrounding the daily lives of the two groups, the people of


Rongelap and Utirik are “guinea pigs" in the sense that no other group of people


In the past examinations, American servicemen




curiosity at times override immediate action.


more unconscious than conscious, but nevertheless a tendency to let scientific


It is also the sense of the Committee that because of the uniqueness of

in the world have been exposed to the same amounts and differing kinds of

the world has been so carefully studied for the results of such effects.


whether these people are being used as guinea pigs in an extended study of
the effects of fallout upon human beings and their treatment is only of secondary


the same amounts and differing kinds of radioactivity, and no other group in


radioactivity, and no other group of people in the world have been exposed to

people who are being examined and studied for the best of humanitarian aims is a

decision the Committee will again leave up to the reader,


In closing, the


importance; or whether they are, by virtue of their experience a group of

Select target paragraph3