While most of these documents have been published by an organization

which appears to be independent of the Atomic Energy Commission, it is a fact

contractual arrangement with the Commission,

Thus, while it would be refreshing


set by the Commission, or by the National Academy of Sciences on which the AEC



to find such reports doubting the validity of guidelines dealing with radioactivity


that the annual surveys and the reports themselves are financed through a

is well represented, no such attitudes or contentions of accepted guidelines

(MPC for example) are to be found.

Thus one finds nowhere in the reports any

doubt as to the reasonableness of established guidelines, or the appropriateness
of returning the Rongelapese to their island before testing in that area ended,


It is presumed to be realistic that those who carry out the terms of the contract

institution not to consider aspects which might undermine the AEC's views or
positions--however if such did occur, one can only presume that the contract
might be shift to another institute.

While the analogy is not a terribly good

one, it might be said that a man who has a franchise to sell Datsuns does so
because he likes them and believes they are good cars.

If, however, he drove

around in a Volkswagon, his customers might wonder about the product he sold
and the Datsun company might wonder about its franchise.

Specific Aspects

As mentioned before, there appears to be a dual nature or purpose for the

This, the Committee believes, grows naturally out of the nature

and significance of the exposure to fallout radiation of the Marshallese.


human beings have both positive and negative impulses which govern their


One way of expressing this is in the simplistic “approach-avoidance"



to say that the AEC influences Brookhaven in a manner such as to force that


This is not


are of a like mind to those who administer and fund the contract,

Select target paragraph3