exposure period before evacuation, but others did not,


were optimal conditions in general for possible beta damage."


The AEC's Credibility

These later developments

(acute effects) were in stark contrast to the

press release issued by the Atomic Energy Commission 10 days after the event,
and before the Lucky Dragon reached its home port.

As one writer put it,

apparently the Commission was trying to be "reassuring."
"During the course of a routine atomic test in
United States personnel and 236 residents were
atolls to Kwajalein Island according to a plan
These individuals were unexpectedly exposed to

the Marshall Islands, 28
transported from neighboring
as a precautionary measure,
some radioactivity.

were no burns, All were reported well, After the completion of the atomic
tests, the natives will be returned to their homes." (12, p. 169)




The Japanese, however, were not very reassured upon discovering that the
Lucky Dragon's crew


Especially disturbing was the possibility that vast areas of

the Pacific had been made radioactive by the monster bomb, and thatpossibility
caused tremendous concern in both the Japanese public and Japan's fishing


had heen exposed to near lethal or lethal doses of

Again, the AEC tried to be "reassuring," as evidenced in a statement

released on March 24, 1954, which in part said:
“., . . the warm currents which flow from the Marshall Islands area...
move slowly (less than a mile an hour).
Any radioactivity collected in
test area would become harmless within a few miles . . . and completely

which would cruise aboard the Shunkotsu Maru, through and around the test zone,
American scientists had been invited to participate, but inexplicably, when they
arrived in Tokyo, found that the ship had departed nine days earlier than

scheduled, leaving them behind,

The findings of the Japanese scientists differed

somewhat from the reassuring AEC statement, according to Dr, Roger Revelle, Director


(p> 62 vn. 17¢)

The Japanese, despite this statement, organized a scientific survey team






undetectable within 500 miles or less."

Select target paragraph3