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insure the accuracy of claims against the Government.

(d) The local magistrate should be informed that in event of an
unforeseen emergency, doctors will be flown from the United States by
Special airlift to care for local inhabitants who will be evacuated to

Kwajalein Atoll and that evacuation plans are in existence to permit

the task force to cope with any emergency,
Fallout of a dangerous nature can be suspected by the presence

of a saltlike precipitate or unexpected mist.

Should such an event take

place, it should be confirmed by monitoring.
The representative will arrange through the local magistrate and native

health aid to inform the Marshallese of the basic health measures that they may

take to protect themselves from danger in case fallout is suspected or confirmed,

These measures are:
Remain indoors or under cover to protect themselves from the

falling or settling radioactive particles.

Should the readings exceed 5 r./hr.,

it is recommended that the

Since these instructions are not dated, it is impossible to tell whether they
existed prior to, or were developed after Brav:.

If before, then for some reason

there were no monitors on the affected islands and they did not know what to do;



if after, it indicates that there was neither a public relations program nor a



natives be advised to stand out in the water (ocean) and immerse themselves
as often as practicable or keep themselves under water.
This recommendation
is based on the fact that water does extremely well in attenuating radiation.”


dust and shake off clothing.


If particles settle on clothing,

Bathe and keep clean,
Particular attention should be given
to washing under the arms, the groin, face, and hair.
Keep food covered to prevent ingestion of fallout particles.

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and its relation to the atolls of the Rongelap-Rongerik group and Utirik.


Bikini was added to the test zone, the danger area was enlarged to 50,000 square

166° 16' E,

Rongelap Atoll's coordinates are 11° 08' to 11° 28' N, and 166° 37° E

to 166° to 167° 04' &,

Below to the south lies Ailinginae Atoll, whose westernmost

limit extends to 166° 17' E.

This meant that while the northernmost boundary


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miles and ran from 10° 15' N up to 12° 45' N and from 160° 35° E eastward to


Another area of interest related to the event was the size of the test zone


Danger Zone


Safety program for the Marshallese.

Select target paragraph3