found the radiation levels dangerously high and had left to report
their findings.
of advice:

Before they left, they left the people with one word

"Don't drink the water."

Nearly one day after the


people, RadSafe crews had visited Rongelap by amphibious plane,

Rongelapese had been temporarily visiting.

On Rongelap, as on the

other islands, the people were reportedly told they must leave the
island immediately, or they would "die".

They were allowed to take only

those personal possessions which they could carry and as they hurried
to board the craft which would take them away, RadSafe personnel

monitored the village and the people themselves with radiation detection

At this point, individual readings ranged from 10 millirads per

hour to 240 millirads per hour (see Appendix No, 4)
At H+50 hours, 16 of the people with the highest readings were
air evacuated to Kwajalein and at H+51 the remaining Rongelapese were
aboard ship and also bound for Kwajalein.

Seven hours later at H+58

the 18 Rongelapese on Sifo Island of Ailinginae were evacuated from
tneir radioactive location.

During the same period, ships reached

Utirik Atoll, and after a survey of the island evacuation was begun at
H+55 hours and by 10:53 a.m., Bikini time, at H+78 hours, or three days
and 6 hours after "Bravo" had exploded, the last exposed people were
taken from their islands,


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Rongelap, and later Ailinginae Atoll, to the southwest, where some 18


Americans had been evacuated, craft of the Task Force converged on

Select target paragraph3