to fall on the ship, its gear, and crew members.

Puzzled by this

strange snowfall, some of the crew actually tasted the radioactive
flakes in an attempt to ascertain just what they were.


2/454) several of the men


fallout which lasted some 5 hours

During the

suggested they had witnessed a nuclear test--none of them, however,
immediately connected the snowfall with the test.

These peculiar and unnerving events were enough to convince the
captain that it was time to abandon any hope of returning with a full


They had poor catches, lost some of their: fishing gear, were

low on fuel--and now this.

He headed the Lucky Dragon northward for

Three days later all of the members of the crew would suffer

the acute effects of their exposure, itching of the skin and mucous

membranes, nausea and vomiting.

Two weeks after their exposure they

would arrive in their port city of Yaizu and discovery of their


experience would result in an international controversy and fear and
panic in Japan.
Unknown to the Joint Task Force, the little ship started its
journey homeward; the radio operator, who would later die, sent no mesSages to Japan or to other ships telling them of their experience.



Upon receiving word of the cloud's erratic behavior, the RadSafe
crew on Rongerik must have intensified their observations.


indicated that it might be heading their way and they sent in readings

from their instruments and findings of their observations.

At 13:33




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