(As of December 1, 1972)
(See Attached Map)
This report summarizes significant activities and results to date of
the radiological survey in progress on Eniwetok Atoll.
The aerial survey of all islands was completed on November 23, 1972,
and included radiation missions (high and low energy scales) and
black and white and multispectral photo coverage.
All high energy radiation missions were flown on 150-foot grid paths
(parallel to longitudinal axis of islands).

Time and weather constraints

dictated that majority of low energy missions be flown on 300-foot
grid spacing.

Exceptions were SALLY, JANET, ALICE, BELLE, YVONNE, and

TRENE. Photo processing and data handling initially were impeded by

power outages on Eniwetok, which causedwater shortages and loss of
air conditioning for computer operation.

Even so, some data reduction

was accomplished and overlay radiation contour plots have been
completed for 16 islands.

provided in the attachment.

Observations regarding these plots are

A map of the Atoll is also attached to

aid in identification of island locations.

A partial ground survey was accomplished on OLIVE and BELLE and it is
interesting to note that correlation of aerial and ground measurements
thus far is excellent; a fine demonstration of the sensitivity of the
aerial equipment.

Ail data from the aerial survey has now been returned

to CONUS for completion of processing.

Select target paragraph3