Frank Cluff



Tisposal inside the reef would make scrap removal operations
less weather and wine dependent since trips into open water

~_an@ possibly inte rough seas would not be seeded. 6.

The identification of metal scrap containing induced radic-

activity and requiring dispusal must ve mde under field concitiong using portable raciation detection instruments anc in
most cases in the presence of an eievated shove ground game
rediation field. The identificetion of hot spots in soil wis
take place under siniler circumatances.

with these factors in wind it is suggested that the following guicelines be applied:

<A careful search ehould be made for all contaminated scrap that
may be collectable by the returning natives. Serap metal containing inéuced radioactivity and showing contact readings
measurable atove local background ghoulé be collected far


The need for removal of other materials such as soil

frem any hot spots conteining plutonius or other rediceuclides
will be a matter for case-by-case determinations in the field
with recamendstions made by the ARC Radiological Safety Advisar.

Dtepossl of metal acrap conteining rediceetivity in water having

a depth of about 150 to 200 feet will make these asterials un
aysiiable to the native population.

These depths are approxi-

mately equivelent to the c¢eeper parts af the lagoon.

A Gisposal eite for each of the three nee teat arees, as described

on pege 1, containing the contaminated scrap may be chosen inside
or outside the reef with a minizem distance of one wile to the
nearest isian’g or islet. A record of positions should be msde

—an@ ineloded in final reports. If any merkers are used they
should be removed at the en! af cleanup operations.


Considering the possibility of future salvage cf ahips, metal

scrap containing induced radimctivity is not to be placed within

the prohibited eres located in the east ené of the lagoon (refer

to HE. 0. 6032 perlished ty U. 5. Naval Ocesncerprhic Office).

Exeept when collected by these authorized to do ec, no saiyles of

metals comtaining induced radicectivity are to de retained or
transportec from Bikini Atoll.



Select target paragraph3