
EDPAba le F

Powerful which we are able to build; it. indicates merely the

power (the yield) of the specific device tested.

While this

declassification of the calculable yield of a specific device

1s contrary to paragraph 12b(6) of the Joint AEC-DOD Classifica- |

tion Guide, it is not considered necessary to revise the Guide

at this time since such revision would apply the declassification


action in this case to all other such weapons or devices.

In addition to the yield of the Mike device, the modified
Operation Ivy film may also imply that the Mike device was probably

not a deliverable device.

This is not clear from the picture

Since no view of the device itself is shown.

The fact that it is

on the ground may be explained on the basis of the requirement

for extensive scientific measurements, (e.g. the 2 mile helium

box), and the size of the "house" door, on the basis of motorized

equipment such as cranes.
Moreover the deliverability or nondeliverability of the Mike device bears no relationship to whether
or not the AEC possesses deliverable thermonuclear weapons, but

refers only to a characteristic of the specific device tested.

Lastly some of the methods of measuring weapon effects are

shown in somewhat greater detail than has heretofore been released.

ilowever, much information of this type is already declassifiable
involving as it does instrumentation and unclassified techniques

which are used for other purposes.



At present there is no specific plan to show this version of

the film other than on an "Official Use Only".basis at the White.

However, it is possible
House conference of mayors on December 14.
that another version will be proposed adapting the material of
‘the film for use in civil defense education and the enlistment of

volunteer workers.

We would appreciate your comment on such an.

There would of course be an opportunity for you to
see and comment upon it before public release was made.
Sincerely yours,



Lewis L. Strauss






Select target paragraph3