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jucleay species were either lacking or present in very low concentration. °
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a notion of the possible daily intake of the above three radionuclides may

we obteined by takingthe diet eaten by the Rongelapese as a guide, and
using the observes concentrations of radioactivity in the same food items

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eoilect:d on Bikini.

The resultant daily intakes ‘are shown in Table 3, and

are comparcd with the daily intakes which will lead to acceptable body burdens
tov individuals and a suitable sample of the population.

Special procedures

w..ich weal greatly reduce the 90¢, content of the fruit can be undertaken

at planting when edible pandanus is re-introduced to the Atoll.
suit would be available about five years after planting.


The fact that

edible pandanus fruit will not be available for several years removes what
Right have been the major source of 905, intake and materially reduces: the
t57¢5 intake as well. Removal also of land crab meat from the diet seems
advisable, and such restrictions bring the 90s; intake down to 115 pCi/day

or 270 pCi/g Ca.

The corresponding 1376. intake is 2290 pCi/day.

Doses to the whole body from 137¢, and >°Fe were calculated assuming that
the reduction of radioactivity in the diet occurs only from radioactive decay.
Doses to bone from 906, were also computed.

Because of marked differences in

metabolism, adults and children were considered separately for internal dose

The total doses to whole body and to bone for children and adults

from internal and external radiation over 5-, 30- and 70-year intervals starting
in 1670 are indicated in Table 4.

The doses acceptable for individuals and

loz « suitable sample of the population during the same time intervals are


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also indicaced.

Select target paragraph3