- 6area, the monitors would warn the inhabitants and advise and
assist them in taking safety measures.

The monitors also

will train Marshallese medicai practitioners and health
aides in basic emergency measures.
Emergency Planning
As a result of the monitoring procedures described
above, the Task Force will have warning should an unexpected
wind shift carry the cloud toward an inhabited area, and
also will receive information by radio on the levels of
radioactivity on the inhabited atolls.
It is not expected that there will be need to
move any of the inhabitants at any time during the test


as a precaution,

complete plans have

been prepared for transporting persons from populated

atolls in the event that such action were considered advis-—

Radiation Surveys of Sea and Marine Life
Outside of the testing area, the detonations are
not expected to produce levels of radioactivity in the
ocean which would be hazardous to marine life or to per-

sons eating food fish.

However, an extensive program of

measurements of radioactivity in the sea water and in
marine organisms will be conducted.

Select target paragraph3