-5All ships, aircraft and persons have been cautioned
to remain clear of the danger area by notices which have
been given the widest possible distribution through Unite
States and international marine and aviation orszanizations.

The Department of State has notified all Dicloreatic Missions
in \.asnington of the extent of the area.
tezular air and seéa searches of tne area will
conducted in advance of the atarc of cperations.
eacn shot,



the patrol of the danger area will be intensificec,

particularly in the area where fallout is forecast.

Radiation Monitoring in Froving Grounds tesion
After each detonation, aircraft will track the
radioactive cloud.

In addition, aircraft using aerial

monitoring equipment will survey populated areas south and
east of the Proving Grounds to detect any radioactivity on
land masses and on the surface of the sea.
Radiological safety personnel, equipped with radia.

tion detection and measuring instruments and two-way radi

to enable them to communicate with the central Task Force
Radsafe Office, will be stationed on the nearby inhabited
atolls to the east and south of the Proving Grounds, and
at weather stations of the weather reporting network.


the unlikely event of significant fallout in an inhabited



Select target paragraph3