-hWith better weather information, more accurate cloud
models, and faster procedures made possible by computing ©
machines, the fallout prediction unit will be able to make
much more rapid and accurate forecasts of fallout patterns
than was possible two years ago.

Tests will be conducted

only when significant fallout is predicted entirely within
the danger area.

Energy Release of Detonations
As announced on March 1, 1956, the 1956 tests will
involve weapons generally smaller in yield than those tested
during the 1954 series.

The energy release of the largest

1956 test is expected to be substantially below that of the
maximum 195 test.
Danger Area

The danger area is generally rectangular in shape
and comprises roughly 375,000 nautical square miles.
boundaries were announced on March 1,



While slightly

smaller than the danger zone used in the latter part of

the 1954 series, the area is many times larger than the
initial danger area used in 1954,

slightly for increased safety.

and has been reoriented

Outside of the test facil-

ities, no inhabited atoll is within the area.


Select target paragraph3