Bruce Wacholz


July 23, 1979

A substantial body of data exists in the Medical Department and
S&EP Division at BNL on the values of various anatomical parameters for
Marshallese adults and children (e.g., body weight and height as a
functional sex and age).
Also, the recent Bikini experience has
afforded us an opportunity to make direct measurements of excretion

rate constants for 13’cs and 9%sr/9°y, and possibly for transuranic

We expect to compile these data into an information base
for a Marshallese "Reference Man, Woman and Child", which will be useful
in predictive dosimetry efforts.
In our discussion with Dr. Pratt, BNL Medical Department, we have

agreed on the need to establish a "control" atoll against which medical

and radiological findings on contaminated atolls may be referenced.
this proposal is approved by DOE, we would establish routine personnel

and environmental monitoring programs at the control atoll in a cooperative

venture with the BNL

Medical Department.



Our present staff consists of three scientific or professional staff

members and two technical support persons dedicated to the MIRSP.


staffing level often leaves us overextended in attempting to meet our

present commitments.
We expect to add two additional personnel in FY 1980;
but we envision the need for at least one additional staff member to assist
in the program expansion to include Enewetak, and with the proposed
"control" atoll project.

Time Factors and Decision Points

The extension of MIRSP activities to Enewetak was anticipated, and
sufficient funds are included in the FY 1980 presidential budget to
include field trips and related efforts there.
The critical decision
point relates to the possibility of a return of some Bikinians to Eneu
Island. If this occurs during the next fiscal year, our program activities

would almost certainly need to be expanded to include Bikini before the end
of the fiscal year.
Funds were not included in the FY 1980 budget to
cover this possibility, and manpower would be somewhat overextended at the
anticipated 1980 staffing level.
The establishment of a joint medical/

radiological "control" atoll would require at least six months of advance

planning and budgeting.

Cost Estimates

The following table lists the current budget and projections through FY 1982
for the MIRSP,as presently committed.
It includes the addition of Enewetak to
the program in FY 1980, but does not include cost estimates for possible monitoring

coverage at Bikini, or for the proposed “control" atoll.

We estimate that these






additions would require supplemental funds of ~$50K and ~$80K respectively, and the
authorization to add another professional staff member.

Select target paragraph3