September 26, 1952

Major General P. W. Clarkson, USA
Commander, JTF-132
léth and Constitution Avenue, 'N.W.

Washington 25, D.C,

Dear General Clarkson:
Earlier you were acquainted by Morse Salisbury with the

preliminary conclusions of a panel of the Psychological Strat

Board which affect the public reporting of Operation IVY.


Psychological Strategy Board has now acted on the Panel's rec

mendations, and we have received their decisions for appropri
action in a communication from the National Security Council.

I am attaching a copy of the NSC communication and of the fin
report of the Fanel.

The Commission has approved our action in accordance wi
the PSB decisions, and the Department of Defense approved the

decisions through its membership in the PSB.

You are request

in the public information operations of JTF-132 to act in acc
dance with these decisions.
This of course does not affect
the authority to take proper action in emergency situations a

outlined in the next to final paragraph of the Commission's
letter to you of August 20.

The Director of Information Services is forwarding to t

Public Information Officer of the Task Force and to the conce
information staffs in the AEC an advisory on compliance with
NSC directive.

Sincerely yours,
kK. E, Fields
Brigadier General, USA
Director of Military Application

- 8-

Appendix "E"

Select target paragraph3