Unrvargityof Galitorres
Los Algmoq.New Memeo 67545



OW. J. Bair


ee Parag. 121, line §.

DATE: “y T, 1980

From both ICRP=2 and ICRP 30, the uptake

of cobalt from GI is sbout 30%.
cesium in this respect.

Thus, cobslt stiovld go with .

ICHP 30 also assumes that the cobalt

is uniformly distributed in the body exoept for |the liver

that has five times the concentration.



I would change by adding cobalt to strontium in the

third line. (... some of the atoms of strontium and cobalt
will go from the stomach to the blood). Than on lines 6 and
7, T would add cobalt to cesium. (Cesium and cobalt atoms go

from the blood to al) parts of the body.)

Cobalt would then

be eliminated in the places where it is at preadnt.

Parag. 121, line 7,

Is it correct to say that “almost all*

of the atoms of strontium, americiva and plutonium go from
the blood to the bones. I cannot find a number ‘for this. for

strontium in ICRP-30 but ICKP-30 uses the 40-45% split for


Could we change "almost ali* to "much"7.

Parag. 121, 3rd parag. (1st parag. pp. 4) line j.

Again the

problem with cobalt, JI would recommend ignoring it here or
putting jin a sentence: “Some of the cobalt that goes from

the blood to the body will remain in the body for severa)
years." Half-life of 20% in assumed to be 800 days,

Parag. 122, line 7. The present atatement implies that 311
types of hana from radiation would take a long time. Could

we modify thia by stating that: "But if harm were to come
from radiation at Bikini Atoll it would usually ..."7



123X, 2nd line change to:

cause harm.*

All of these radiations may

Parag. 124 & parag. 127. These should be subheadings with
smaller type.


Parag. 124%, line 1. The word "damaged" appears both bere in
connection with cancer and in the previous line in oonnection
with healing of wounds, Could we any in this line ®certain
Kinds of damage"?


Parag. 12U¥, line 2. We should leave "believe" hera.
Scientiats "know" nothing at the donc range of interest here.

Select target paragraph3