The contribution of the Study of the Marsnz”"sse in our Laforatory
The Marsha*lese materials are of great importance to the study
er this contrac?
The fresh tissue when removed here by us is studied sremptly by meth@ds in use under
this contract.

Although most of the neoplasms found in the Marshallfse have been

benign, it is important to note that a total of 6 carcinomas have begén

of these had metastasized tc the regional cervical 1j;=>h nodes.



Thefradiated Marshals.

thyreids ofter. ave many minute solid cellular or mixe< papillary
ang follicular lesic?:
in addition to = much larger lesion which had drawn srimary attentioh. Many of the
tiny lesions are occupying an area no larger than a icren normal follicles just as is
seen in the raccated rat thyreids.
At the time of the last annual report we descrite= a 21 year olf Marshallese who

we had Just operated for mitiple benign adenomas.

mother was exposed to fallout.

= was 6 months fin

utero when his

The special studies c= that thyroid Fissue showed the

bizarre nuclear forms recognized as evidence of radciezion effect.
the time of
preparation of this report, we have just operated arn< removed several benign but

atypical adencras from the thyroid of his mother wnc =ad developed masses in the last

The facter of long delay in the development of =eoplasms is

animals and me...

Our experience has shown that the rets do not deve

Dhasized in both

they are radiated when very young and 1/2 to 2/3 of <he life span ps
Marshallese lesion did not develop for 9 years. Mar; of the early Jesions~came from

the atoll with the highest fallout (Rongelap).

It was quite some

lesions began appearing in people who were on the nex= nearest ato
the dose had been somewhat less. While lesions were appearing on

ydars later that

no lesions, buc in the most recent years, 8 individueis have been ope ated and 3 car
cinomas found.

These observations seem to emphasize =he risk of th

low dose range.

Further support for the concern for the low dose and long latest period is illustrated by the very considerable number of individuais coming to megical attention

for neoplasms of the thyroid after irradiation to tie head and neck}

Relatively small

doses to shrinx lymphoid tissue and even smaller doses for acne seem implicated in our
experience amé that of others. We are screening a very considerable number of persons
referred because” of such known exposure.
The Part Played by TSH in Neoplasm Formatic. Following131y Radiation
Although each rat experiment has required almos= 2 ers laps

succeeded in cStaining neoplasms in rat thyroids usinz

_ frequency.

1t alane

The yields have become (60%) sufficient. good so that

be used to test inhibiting and stimulating effects =. the inductiar

time, we have

With increasing

[the model may now

and growth of sucr

For. many years thyroid stimilating hormone (iS&5 has theorectjcally been implicated in the cevelopment of thyroid tumers. First =. the chronic dpplication of an
iodine deficient diet; then ry the chronic use of gexicrogenic subs#ances and finally
in recent years by radioiodine. Simply stated, the Lack of iodine[to make hormone,
the block of the synthesis of hormone or the damage => the cell
mechanism for hormone producticn may lead to a deficiency of thyroi¢ normone and a
gompensatory increas:

Select target paragraph3