D. J. Brush, General Manager
June 11, 1979
Page 3

1420 hrs. - Back on Kwajalein.

1700 hrs. - The four boxes did not arrive on Air Mic. Dr. Pratt and
members of the medical team went to the medical trailers and started
going through the medical gear to determine whether they had enough
to carry on with the mission. They decided they would carry on - and
I reminded Dr. Pratt that I needed the statements we had spoken of
earlier. He seemed surprised and somewhat perturbed that I intended
to have them prior to departure. Dr. Pratt went below to write
the statements and I asked Jim Watt to standby so we could get them
xeroxed. When this was all accomplished, we cast off and departed
at 1835 hours.

Saturday, 26 May (TT Sunday).

1600 hrs. - Arrived Rongelap - Dropped anchor at 1655.
No one in sight on the beach except a few small children.


Everyone in

Dr. Pratt said he had hoped to get in closer and had expected us to put
out a stern anchor. We will put out a stern anchor tomorrow. However,
using a shuttle system, there is no advantage to move closer to shore.

A meeting was held ashore at 1900 hrs. I did not attend but Dr. Pratt
Stated that thepeople were complaining about not having received their °
per diem yet and suqgested I talk with Harry Brown and attempt to
expedite payment.

Sunday, 27 May (TT Monday).

Started moving medical team and equipment ashore, and some patients to
the ship.


4 kL:

A family has moved into the medical trailer on the beach - claim they Ww

were told they could have it and they have a key.
for the examinations.

They will move out. We

The stern anchor holds the vessel broadside to the wind and makes a nice

lee to starboard for embarking and disembarking passengers.

The people of Rongelap have heard a rumor that they are to be evacuated
from their island. Dr. Pratt wants to talk to Roger Ray through
Jim Watt to reaffirm that this is not the case. (we talk to Kwajalein
at 0830 and 2000 daily).

Monday, 28 May (TT Tuesday).
Holding sick call and pediatrics examinations ashore - also some
examinations aboard.



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