
Tasks for Subordinate Units

Commander, Scientific Task Group (CTG 132.1) will perform the missions

outlined below.

See Annex D for summary of ultimate tasks, and list of

military personnel and services and equipment to be made available to CTG


Maintain a staff capable of assisting the Commander, Scientific

Task Group in the accomplishment of tasks and missions assigned.


Prepare for the conduct of experimental devices tests.

*rocurg,assemble and place the devices to be tvsted,


Arm and detonate the devices to be tested,

Prepare for the conduct of technical and measurement programs as

finally approved.


Prepare for the conduct of documentary film operations.


Prepare for and conduct the radiological safety program as set

forth in Annex H.

Operate and maintain certain specified utilities and facilities



Plan, construct and operate installations and facilities on BIKINI

ATOLL (including ABC contractor boat pool) with military assistance as required.


Provide necessary base facilities and logistic support for tenant

military personnel at BIKINI ATOLL.

(9) Establish the technical mission for JTF 132 test aircraft.
(10) Through early definitive scientific planning provide OJTF with

detailed military requirements.

b, Commander, Army Task Group (CTG.132.2) ‘ill perform the missions outlined below.

See Annex E summary of ultimate tasks, and military personnel

and services and equipment to be made available to CTG 132.2 during the
development phase of the task group.
of Operation CASTLE through:

CTG 132.2 will prepare for the conduct

Select target paragraph3