Concept and Narrative of Operations

CUTF 132 No. 5-52


Status of the training and adequacy of equipment will be

tested periodically by means of partial and complete rehearsals as re~


At the appropriate time CJTF 132 will announce NX Day for

a final rehearsal of NAN shot.
at the discretion of CTG 132.1.

Final servicing ot the wan device will be
In other respects, simulation will be re-

sorted to where «ctual participation would interfere with preparations for
the test,

Search and Rescue

Throughout on-site operations, control

of search and rescue operations will be executed by the Commander, TG 132.4.
He will further delegate this control to the existing SAR organization except during periods when the task force is assembled for rehearsals and


Announcement of N Yay At the completion of the final re-

hearsal, task group commanders will furnish CJTF 132 a report of readiness
for actual test operations,

Based on these reports CJTF 132 will announce

N Day.



(a) Ned Day
Weather briefing establishes favorable outlook for five day

Task Group commanders report by telephone or dispatch confirming


i411 maintenance schedules are arranzed to provide the highest

possible in commission status at the appropriate time.

Defense forces

intensify surveillance of the ENIWETOK and BIKINI Danger Area,




N-3 Day
If weather briefing confirms favorable outlook for N Day,

CJTF 132 announces N Day.
final preparations,


Aircraft stand down for special inspection and

Final checks are made of all instailations of scientific


Select target paragraph3