Concept and Narrative of Operations

CUTF 132

No. 5-52

CJTF 132 will monitor requests for forward area movement orders to insure
proper phasing of individuals and units into the forward area,

Attention is directed to economy measures to de employed

an connection with travel performed on JTF 132 funds.

See CJTF 132 letter,

Subject: "Conservation of Joint Task Force Funds," file AG 120, dated 8
February 1952,
i. Operations during this phase will include:
a. Completion of preliminary plans for evacuation of
ENIWETOK and BIKINI during firing, and for the disposition of JTF 132 forces
upon completion of the tests,
b. Performance of actual military support missions in
prenaration for the shots,

c. Intensification of security measures,
d. measures to insure diversion of air and water traffic
as necessary,
e@. Refinement of test operational procedures.

f. Test rehearsals,


Test Operations


NX Day
N Day

Applies to rehcarsal for NAN.
Applies to day on which device will be detonated.

OX Day
O Day

applies to rehearsal for OBOE.
Applies to day on which device will ve detonu.ted.
- (OBOE shot)

PX Day
P Day

Applies to rehearsal for PETER.
Applies to day on which device will be detonated,

SX Day
S Day

Applies to rehearsal for SUGAR.
Applies to day on which device will ce detonated,
(SUGAR shot )

(NAN shot)

(PETER shot)

H Hour

Applies to time of detonation of each shot,

R Hour

applies to time on which post ‘shot operations are

based, which is dependent upon radiological considerations,

Select target paragraph3