



Concept_and Narrative of Operations

CUTF 132

No, 5=52


Action on the procurement of materiel and services being

made available by the armed forces,
(2) Many of these activities, by virtue of scope and variance in
Service procedures, will naturally be conducted concurrently.

Prompt or-

ganizational action is indicated at all levels of command to insure that
Task Force elements are afforded sufficient time to accomplish time con-

suming security clearances and training for specific tasks.


Training and Overseas Phasing

It is contemplated that task group commanders pace the development

and training of their task groups with the operational requirements for
those elements in the forward area as projected in Annexes E, F, and G,
In addition to the training prescribed by task group commanders toward accomplishment of assigned missions, appropriate emphasis should be placed on
certain subjects peculiar to this type of operation,
physical condition is essential,

Maintenance of good

and based military clements will be pro-

ficient with the individual weapon with which armed to insure functioning
as an effective ground security force in the event of hostile action.


nature of the operation also dictates training emphasis in radiological
safety and first aid.

Inherent in an amphibious effort is the need for



instructioninswimmingandsurvival, and where practicable this will be

Because of operations being conducted in a locale where mat-

eriel deteriorates rapidly, stress will oe placed on those subjects relating
to care and maintenance of equipment.


The processing of units, personnel and naval elements to the

forward area will be the responsibility of the task group commander.


132.1 will issue travel orders to the forward area for a1l personnel, military and civilian, on duty with the Scientific Task Group, with the exception
of certain A™C contractor personnel,

Holmes & Narver will request military

transportation orders from the appropriate military agency for overseas travel for. their employees,

CTG 132.1 will provide for their return travel,

Select target paragraph3