Concept and Narrative of Operations

CJTF 132 No. 5-52

scale necessary to support the shot sites developed there.


test equipment not required for shot destruction will be returned to
ENIWETOK for storage in order that no garrison force or frequent visits
will be required between operations.

The #EC contractor

will continue to

be responsible for maintenance of facilities in accordance with existing


Logistic Considerations

CJTF 132 will be responsible for support of Task Force weather sta-

tions based on PONAPE, KUSAIE, MAJURO and BIKINI.

CoTF 132 will be responsible for support of TG 132.4 based on KWAJALEIN, 2

except for housekeeping.

1G 132.4 participation in housekeeping details,

_ aS provice t by COMNAVSTAKWAJ with personnel augmentation from 1G 132.4, will
be in accordance with agreements made between COMNAVSTAKWAJ and CTF 132,

All vessels loading cargo for discharge in ENIWETOK lagoon and BIKINI

lagoon must be self-sustaining because of lack of floating crane or deep
water dock.

The discharge of cargo is a ship to barge or small craft opera-

Narrative of Operations

Organization and Planning Phase


It is envisaged that operations of the Tas: Force during the cur-

rent organization end planning phase covered by this Operation Order will
encompass those activities involved in:


Reorganization and retraining of task group headquarters and

staff as required,

Analysis and preparations for accomplishment of Task Group


Evaluation of test measurements and programs,


Developm:nt of operating and training plans and procedures,


Screening, procurement and security clearance of personnel


and units to constitute task group elements,

Select target paragraph3