-6On September 23, the whalers were away by 0700 and the 724
aerial survey helicopter departed at 0900.
Helicopter 722
was launched shortly thereafter to replace batteries on the
EG&G transponders.
Those returning to Kwajalein today packed,
paid their bills for food and lodging, turned in film badges,
and said farewell.
Helicopter 722 with the patient, husband
and child, and several DOE passengers including myself left
the Wheeling at 1000.
Upon arrival at Kwajalein at 1130, an
ambulance was awaiting the patient.
I heard later the patient
delivered a still born baby during the night and is recovering
This concluded my participation in the first part of the first
leg of the DOE Northern Marshalls radiological survey.
shakedown phase of technical and logistical operations has set
the pattern for other atolls yet to be surveyed.
I am convinced
a most satisfactory job will be done in the field portion of'
these surveys.
My concern is that adequate time will be available to perform the extensive work required for analysis of
collected samples and the additional effort to assess the re~sulted, and for development of radiation exposure predictions.
The final statement that needs to be made is that the contacts
with the Rongelapese.were at the same time rewarding and depressing.
I senséd good feelings among those contacted in
discussions on our survey mission.
I know that the most advanced technology is being applied to the radiclogical survey

of this environment, and that given time to assess the data,

the final results will be technically defensible.
I am depressed by what we experienced with seriously ill Rongelapese.
While it was not the mission of the Wheeling to provide medical
assistance beyond that of Dr. Grant's quarterly visit or an
emergency response capability, once the plight of the young
child was known, the highest priority was given to the evacuation.
Our visit to pay respects to the young parent's home
will be long remembered.
The experience with medical emergencies may be repeated at other populated atolls in the
survey where the Wheeling will bring a capability for communications and rapid transportation not often available at
these remoted locations.

Termng FM bend


As stated

_Tommy F. McCraw
_ Surveillance Projects Branch
- Division of Operational and ~
Environmental Safety
Department of Energy


Select target paragraph3