roughly 1.5 hrs.
Radar on the Wheeling tracked the helicopter
till they had the Kwajalein reef in sight.
722 returned with
spare parts and the first mail.

Sample collections of coconut, pandanus,

and breadfruit,

from Rongelap Island went well.
30 soil pits were dug
down the viddle of the island and vertical profile samples to
60 cm, where
possible, obtained.
Soil sampling in plant root
zones began in locations where fruit was obtained.
The EG&G
data analysis work was reviewed.
The available iso-intensity
contours for gross-gamma levels plotted to scale fit the island
shapes as determined by aerial aan
The detected
radiation is almost entirely from l
The weather so far has been excellent.

The sex is caim.

first situation report draft was reviewed.


On September 21 two whalers were away early, about 0600.
first EG&G aerial survey mission was off at 0900.
Two aerial
survey missions are possible each da;, one in the morning and
one in the afternoon.
The terrestrial and marine survey teams
are away all day, returning about 1600.
Sample collection

teams are averageing about 6 1/2 to 7 hrs ashore per day. The
survey helicopter, 724, is getting two 4 1/2 hour survey flights

per day using two groups of scientists and two aircraft crews
with refueling and crew changes at noon.
A gift of food was
carried ashore in a sling beneath helicopter 722.
There was

some rain shower activity over Rongelap Atoll in the early


There is good progress and good news with the EG&G data reduction
The detailed survey of Rongelap Island shows very
low external gamma radiation levels ranging from 3 to 6 uR per
A TWX was received indicating Nat Greenhouse will make

the second leg of the survey.

Roger Ray indicated they could

use Jay Beaufait's help on the third leg.

Ashore, Dr. Grant referred.a lady patient for transport back
to the hospital on Kwajalein on the next available flight.
She would be accompanied by her husband and 5-year old son.
On September 22, the whalers were away about 0600.
Roger Ray
and I made plans for a clearance meeting with the people ashore
arriving at 1400 and departing at 1530.
This was followed
by efforts to arrange for an emergency medical evacuation of
a two-month old infant that was seriously ill.
Dr. Grant indicated this morning the child was comatose and asked for an

immediate evacuation to the hospital in Kwajalein.

The evacuation

Select target paragraph3