Jan Naidu & Evie Rongelap

Prog-am objective:
To develop internal & external exposure patterns to known
amounts of radiation.
Maior Constraints

Time allotted for Rongelap, Utirik, Likiep and Ailuk is
However, previous visits to Rongelap (6 weeks,
Jan-Feb 1977) and Utirik (April 1978 2 weeks) will help
in that initial observations have already been done.
addition, the presence of the ship and activity so associated has affected the normal life pattern.
At the time of this survey it must be recognized vhat
members of Rongelap and Utirik population will receive

$1000 per head (exposed) and some will receive $25, 090

per head (exposed, unexposed - with thyroid nodules).

This influx of money will definitely affect their dist
and lifestyle pattern especially in terms of locally

grown food consumed.

Lifestyle and diet pattern for Rongelap has been severely
Following compensation in the past, our observaticns indicate lack of predictability.
Utirk has a fairly reasonable and predictable lifestyle
and diet pattern,area of concern is the impending com-

pensation and also the fact that they have been tutored in
the effects of radiation.
The latter can affect the type
of answers that will be elicited from our questions.

It is expected that in Likiep and Ailuk the conditions

~would be normal and thus indicate a reliable report.
However, the presence of the boat may affect the quality
of information derived from the islanders.
It also should
be noted that on Likiep there is also the presence of an
Australian who manages. their copra plantation.

The typhoon relief food supply program has added a significant

quantity of imported food,

5 percent of food consumed is

Select target paragraph3