Work has gone well and all complete in the South.

Ship moved north last night, now off Meller.

be near Naen.

Tomorrow will

Expect the ship to leave Monday for Utirik.

Work has gone very well and we appreciate all the help.

We have left money with the Magistrate to pay the owners for
foods we have teken as samples and also to pay the men who
helped with the collection.

Yesterday we sent packages of food by helicopter.

This food

is a gift from the survey party and is meant to say thank you

for your help and for permitting us to be here.

As said earlier, most of the survey results will come aft.
lab work. However, we have the radiation information from

the helicopters for most islands and ian give you that infor-

mation now.

This island - Rongelap - is entirely satisfactory for a residence

There is no more radiation here than there is in many

places in the U.S, - in my home for example.

Radiation levels on Enewetak and on Mellu and on all of the

small islands in between - between here and Mellu - are very
low also.
We have no reason to suggest any restrictions on
those islands.
To the west of here - as far as Burokku - radiation levels are

very low also.



No restrictions are needed on those islands at



In the north it is allright to visit the islands, but we

recommend that you not gather food from the Northern islands
at least until we can complete the laboratory work.
This is the last time we will visit you before the ship leaves
for Utirik.

After Utirik Taka and Bikar, we will visit Rongerik.

If any of

the owners of Rongerik have any advice or questions for us
we would like to hear them now.

In October we expect to visit Ailinginae,

of Ailinginae have questions?

Do any of the owners

Select target paragraph3