"If we want to dig those holes anywhere near the village
area we will certainly ask your permission for the place that

we would like to dig and we will fill the hole back in when
we are finished.

"We expect the work here at Rongelap to take about six days.

"And before we leave, if we may, we would like to come back

and tell you what we have done and give you any new information
which we have at that time.
"Most of the information from this survey will come after a
long period of work in the laboratories back in the United States.
"We do not expect to be able to make a written report on the

survey for about

two years.

"But if there are things that you should know right away, you
may be assured that we will get that information to you
"Our report when it is finished will be available to everyone.

“And as the Magistrate knows I have promised at an earlier

meeting that it will be sent to him direct immediately after
it is written.
"Before we go on and ask Dr. Grant to discuss what he will
be doing perhaps if there are questions I should take them now."


I understand that the helicopters will fly to make measure-


The helicopter will measure the radiation on the ground.


What is the helicopter measuring?

The reason that we use a helicopter is that it can fly

high enough that it can "see" over a wide area on the

ground. (demonstrate with gestures.)


How high will the helicopter fly?


Between 100 and 150 feet above the ground.


How can they know the level of radiation: ?


The helicopter has in it the same kinds of instruments
that are used to measure radiation down on the ground, but
they are very much larger and very much more sensitive.

It can detect radiation at very very low levels.

a telescope that can "see" in close.

It's lik e

Select target paragraph3