Internal Deposition of Iodine Isotopes

Unfortunately, no direct measurement was possible on the radioactive
iodine content of individuals from Roggelap. Urine samples were taken from
which the average thyroid burden of
I has been estimated.
The Los Alamos
Scientific Laboratopy collected pooled 24-hour samples 15 days, gost detonation and estimated
the l-day thyroid content as 11.2 uc of

collected samples from each member of the exposed group 43 and 46 days post
detonation, and, by an in¢girgst method, estimated the average thyroid content

as 6.4 uc
I at 1549y,
The LASL estimate of 11.2 pc was obtained by
direct counting of
I in the urine and should be more reliable than the
NRDL estimate,
The value of 11.2 prc will be used as a basis for all following considerations, This estimate was based on the assumption of 0.1% of
the maximum thyroid burden being excreted in the urine on the 15th day.
Variation in the biological half-life and othey, factors indicate that a range
of 0.05 - 0.2% should be placed on this number
(see feljowing section by Ng).
We, therefore, take 5.6 - 22.4 uc as the range of adult
I thyroid burden.
The pooled samples represent all age groups.

The number of individuals

in these age groups,apg the volume of urine from each age group is approximately as follows:

age Group


5 - 16
> 16

Number of

Volume of




% of Total







The urine samples are typical of adults and the calculated thyroid burdens are
presumably also those of adults.

Associated with this 131, are the shorter lived isotopes 132)

133) and

If the iodine entered by way of inhalation, the time of intake was H + 6
to H + 18. On the other hand, if water (and food) were the principal source,
the time of ingestion would be extended from H + 6 to H +51.
Three items contribute to the differences in dose from the various
iodine isotopes.
These are:
radioactive decay before inhalation gr
oral ingestion, (2)
differences in the fission yields. of the chains, 6

and (3) the average energy deposited in the, ghyroid PSE disinteg

These factors are presented in Table I for

I and


inhalation, uniform distribution in the cloud was assumed.

it was assumed that, on the average,

2/3 at H + 30.

In the case of

For oral ingestion

1/3 of the intake occurred at H + 10 and


Select target paragraph3