and other radionuclides
The occurrence of antimony-125, europium-155, iron-55,
in Rongelap Atoll soil.
R. F. Palumbo and F. G. Lowman.
Office of Technical Services, U. S. Department
Long-term effects of radioactive fallout on plants?

F. R. Fosberg.


Atoll Research Bulletin No. 61, issued by The Pacific Science Board,

Washington, D.C., pp. 1-11, May 15, 1959.
Plants and fall-out.
F. R. Fosberg.

Nature 183: 1448, 1959.

Strontium-90 and gross beta activity in the fat and non-fat fractions of
coconut crab (Birgus latro) liver collected at Rongelap Atell during

March 1958.

D. Chakravarti and R. Eisler.
Pacific Science, Vol. XV, no. 1, 1961.

Potassium and cesium-137 in Birgus latro (coconut crab) muscle collected at

Rongelap Atoll.

D. Chakravarti and E. E. Held.

Marine Biological Association of India, Vol. 2, no.

1, 1961.

Use of the tension iysimeter in glacial till and coral atoll soils.

D. W. Cole, S. P. Gessel and E. E. Held.

Soils Science Society of America Proceedings, Vol. 25, no. 4, 1961.
Nitrogen studies of Rongelap Atoll soils.

S. P. Gessel, E. E. Held, and R. B. Walker.
Paper presented at the Tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, August, 1961.

Radiocesium in plants grown on Rongelap Atoll soil.

R. B. Walker, E. E. Held, and S. P. Gessel.

Recent Advances in Botany, University of Toronto Press, 1961.
Qualitative distribution of radionuclides at Rongelap Atoll.
E. E. Held.
Radioecology, Rheinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1963.

Moulting behavior of Birgus latro.
E. E. Held.
Nature 200(4908), 1963.
Chemica] and radiochemical composition of the Rongelapese diet.

D. Chakravarti and E. E. Held.

Journal of Food Science, Vol. 28, no. 2,


Ecological observations of sea cucumbers Holothuria atra and H. leucospilota
at Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands.

K. Bonham.
Pacific Science, Vol. XVII, no. 3,


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