uals of the same age groups showed no apparent
differences. A biological age score was calculated

skin and epilation appeared about 2 weeksaiter
exposure, largely on parts of the body not covered

by clothing. About 90% of the people exposed

for individuals and groups by use of an average
percentagescore. Life shortening -ffects of radiation
have ct been apparent. As noted, the mortality
rate was about the samein the exposedasin the
unexposed people.
Development of thyroid pathology was noted in 1963
when a teen-age exposed girl was found to have a
nodule of the thyroid gland. In 1964, two additional teen-age girls were found to have nodules.
These cases were operated upon, and the nodules
were found to be benign adenomatoid goiters.
These abnormalities are believed to be the result
of exposure of the thyroid to radioiodines from the
fallout and to the gammaradiation. The dose to
the child’s thyroid was estimated as between 700
and 1400 rads from radioiodines and an additional
175 rads from gammaradiation for the group exposed to 175 rads. No nodules were detected in
the unexposed children.
Two cases of cancer have developed in the exposed group. Thefirst appeared at 5 years post ex-

on Rongelap had these burns, and a smaller
number developed spotty epilation of the scalp.
Mostofthe lesions were superficial; they exhibited
pigmentation and dry, scaly desquamation, and
were associated with itching and burning sensations. Rapid healing and repigmentation 1ollowed.
Somelesions were deeper, showed wet desquamation, and were more painful. A few burns became
secondarily infected and had to be treated with
antibiotics. Repigmentationof the lesions gradually took place in most instances, and the skin appeared normal within a few weeks. However, in
about 15% of the people, deeper lesions, particularly on the dorsum ofthefeet, continued to show
lack of repigmentation with varying degrees of
scarrir g and atrophyofthe skin. At 10 years these
conditions werestill evident in a numberofcases.
Duringthe past several years an increased number
of ;igmented maculae and moles have been noted
in previously irradiated areasof the skin, but these
have appeared to be quite benign.
Numeroushistopathological studies have been
made,''*> and the changes found have been consistent with radiation damage. At no time have

posure, too soon, it is believed, to have been radia-

tion induced. Thesecond occurredat 8 years post
Leukemia surveys including physical findings,
studies of leukocyte counts and morphology, alka-

changes been observed either grossly or microline phosphatase staining,and basophil counts of =.. scopically indicative#£imalignantor premalignant

4000 whitecells showed no evidence Pleukephis

or .eukemic tendency. One‘¢hild in
group has hadslightly, glevatedbasophi

change. Spotty epilation on the neads was short

ed ~ ™lived, regrowth ofhair occurring about 3 months
ut *after exposureand complete regrowth of normal
no otherpeaitive findings.“Phegardiaetscilarande“hair. by 6 months. No-further ew‘dence oftepilation

arthrites surveys, as well as the’Beheralresiits Sf'the.. “has been geen.



physical examinations, have notahown Siaaig pe” cha ae Nat en‘An:iiferesting obsezvaitian nated ag|thefirst
parent increased incidence of degeneradibe. Weast¥th eemonths.after exposure wasthe deve pinent of
the exposed people. No radiation- indwows
ws a —a bluisli-brown pigméntatianof!the semifunarareas
have been @beerved in any of the expos
of the fingernailg.and toenailsiinabout 90% of the
Genetic effects have.not been specitediySeated

“people exposed on Rongelap. ‘By.
6 ‘manths this

“-ecause of the smallnumberof peopig'invowved: ~ Pigtientationhad ‘disappeared, having grQwn out
No apparentgadiation-induced geneticichanges “~. with the naif. Thecause of this phenomenon has"
r«-not been exptaincd’


have been detected orrreutine physicafs

tions in‘the first-generagdpnsphildren, :
parents, with thepossibleexdaption,of'su
evidence ofinereased miscarriages§ dseit
in the exposed4women..

It was impossible to get an accurate estimate of

the radiation dose to the skin. Beta burns of the





Radiochemical analyses of numerous urine samples of the exposed population showedinternal
absorption of radioactive materials, probably
brought about largely through eating and drinking contaminated food and water and to lesser
extent through inhalation. During the first few

Select target paragraph3