SuggeatedFoints io be Mentiored bythe Preatden:
Fallout protection te a vital e«lamert of national defense
could provide the margir vereesar te ingire our adrvticn: af

a Nation,

Active military defense cannot fully protect us from the effects
of atomic attack -- that is why civi! defentre and fallout srotectior
is neceseary. It provicies & ehield for cur propia
The anewer does oot lie ic
shelter program. “Neitier
Administration favor e cn
warning time today makes
in accessible places

a nassive Federaliy-finance i
the Governors!’ Committee a1 me
ar approach, The shortness of
it moerative that sceltere be of winded

The National Shelter Pclicy aaserts that ever. property owner
should provide shelter «n his own premises.
Jur Polic therefore places emphasia upon education and leadership to peraunde
people to take those actions which they, and they alone, muet
take. Gratification that Governore are joining in this afforl
Noted particularl, Governor Rockeleller'’s rnessage tc t ©
New York Legtelatura, when se eat:
It is both feasible and within our financta: capacit. +
obtain eubstantial protection againat the death anc
disability resulting from radioactive fmllovt ty

of tharmonuclear attack

the wa”

Federal Government haw taken a nimber of stepa to imprement
this policy. Among other things, 64 new Federal bulidirge
now underway or planned qill have fallout protectior

It ia my hope that thie conference will find many practic».

ways to {mprove the partnership effort of the Federal Gevernmeant and the States in promoting the constrietion of ali:

It ie important that we continue to work together with a coordi: sted

approach, with untform estanderda, and with mutually supportt: x
constructive action. To that end, [am asking Gover ior Hoegr |
continue to work directly with the Srecial Tommittee of the jo ernora:
Conference or any persone whom

Call on Governor Rockefeller

cor fe aimittec winhes tc deaigrate

Select target paragraph3