July 25, 1968

Maintain a continual monitoring of vhe islands and the population

to assure that they do not, in some unforeseen way, accumulate 4 greater
radiation dose than predicted.
The committee of consultants aiso recommended that resettlement be



initiated on Eneu island because of its very low contamination level.

"No radiological precautions will be needed on Fneu,” the committee reported.
We would propose to follow the recommendations of the consultants in
developing a resettlement program.

<A copy of their report is attached

for your information.
Return of the Bikini people cannot be immediate although we should
take immediate steps to begin their return.

A comprehensive plan must be

developed; any remaining sources of major contamination removed; the
overgrowth of uneconomic vegetation cleared; the land planted to productive
crops; and new housing and community facilities cuilt

We propose to do this

with the active participation of the Bikini people in both the planning and

execution stages.

It will, however, also require the active cooperation of

the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission and, in seeking
funds for the resettlement project, the Bureau of the Budget.
Our tentative time table calls for the High Commissioner within the
next few weeks to ask the Bikini people to name a group of their leaders to
The second step

S an On-island survey of the


work in the planning stage.

atoll to select those sites required by the Defense Department and to plan

the location of the new village.


At this stage, it is expected that the

preliminary resettlement plan will be drafted with the Bikini leadership

The visit to Bikini shoulé take plece in the last hal?

of August or in early September.
and cost estimates presented.

During the fall the plan would te completed

Select target paragraph3