Mr. Burrows and then inform Mr. Strauss about the AEC fiscal situation.
Mr. Strauss inquired whether the Commissioners had seen the

letter from the Director, BCB, calling attention to budget laws and
policies which, among other things, provide that officers and employees
of government agencies are not to request fumes of Congress except
through official channels.

had seen the letter.

The other Cornissivuners indica‘ed that they

(See AEC 728/30.)

Rental of Airplane for Commission Us2
Mr. Libby referred to the difficulty the Ccmmissioners found in

having time to visit installations.

Mr. Fields suggested in this

connection that the rental of an aircraft for AEC purposes be re-examined.
He observed that, possibly, the availability of an airplane would assist
a. S0lving this problem.

The Commissioners incicated that the General

danoger should consider thi. possibility.

W. B. McCool

General Counsel

Select target paragraph3