DNA 1240H-2

In the theoretical method developed at NEDL, it was found possible

to express the results of Goldstein and Wilkins©* for the dose buildup

factor, B, of Equation 17-13 for any given medium and quantum energy,
expression of the form given in Equation 17-19 of 17.5.5:

B -| 1+ a(pux} + b(we)?]er(ux)

by an


The constants a, b, and c can be related to quantum energy E and

evaluated for various media.


since the expression for the

buildup factor is analytic, it ie possible to integrate Eq. 17-13 over

& source region.
The integrated expreesion for dose rate due to sources
distributed over the top of a circular slab of radius Ry is given in

For simplicity and abbreviation of notation, the integral form
wili be employed in this discussion.
The ship-shielding factor for deposit radiation is evaluated by using
three dose-rate ratios similar to those used to calculate the shielding
factor for transit radiation:

SF agp" }do * Theol * do


where dip = exposure dose rate (at a given below-decke location)

Gue to activity deposited on the weather-deck of the

Q3R = exposure dose rate at 3 ft above the weather-deck,
over the below-decks location.

Gnoo = exposure dose rate at a location considered to be a
given distance below an infinite slab of shielding,

with radioactive sources distributed uniformly over
the top surface of the slab.
a," 8 symbolic dose-rate measure of source strength.

For the plane source case, @, has the units r/hr.

It is e quantity

equivalent to that given by Eq.17-14 or Eq.17-17 of Section 17.5.5, but with

ann whose units are photons/cm@ - sec.

See Note after Eq. 17-17, and

footnote after Equation 17-24 of Section 17.6.4.

Since the individual dose rates on the right hand eide of Eq.17- 30
are initially unknown, it was found possible to obtain the desired
shielding factor by substituting equivalent ratios into the calculations.


Select target paragraph3