locations at Shots Umbrelle and Wahoo, respectively. The preceding
statement is based on the estimate23 that at least 95% and 98% of the

total dose on the washed decks of the destroyers was due to traneit
radiation from Shots Umbrella and Wahoo, respectively, and the contribution of all other radiation to the total dose at below-decks
locations was of little significance. At Shot Umbrella, doses of
more than 200 r were recorded in many compartments of the two closest

ships (at 1900 and 3000 ft from surface zero).

The ratios of doses in

compartments to those on washed weather decks ranged from 0.1 to 0.7

for non-machinery spaces and from 0.02 to 0.2 for machinery
Tie ratios of peak dose rates showed similar variation.
doses of more than 500 r were recorded in most compartments
closest ship (at 2900 ft) and doses of more than 200 r were

aboard the next closest ship (at 4900 ft).

spaces. 3
Shot Wahoo,
aboard the

Existing data indicate that, at least under certain conditions, the

transit radiation may contribute the major portion of the nuclear radiation
aboard ship.
These conditions occur when (1) yields, water depths, and
burst depths are such that a contaminated base surge forms; and (2) when

the radioactive particulate material formed is of such a nature that the
washdown system is highly effective in preventing shipboard contamination.
Since available data are insufficient for reliable scaling and extrapolating transit-radiation effects for any yield or burst condition (depth
of burst and depth of water) it is obvious that methods for theoretical
calculations of such exposures are required.
Operation Wigwam:

During the period when transit radiation was

being recorded on the deck of the YAG-39, from 13 to 20 min after burst,
there was no record of deposit dose. The peak dose rates of 300, 150,

ana 18 r/hr recorded?! during this interval at the wheelhouse, internal,
and deep-hold stations, respectively, therefore may be assumed to have
been due to transit radiation.
These interior peak dose rates thus were
found to be 50%, 25% and 3% respectively, of the recorded exterior peak

dose rate of 600 r/hr.

17.5.4 Theoretical Calculations of Transit Radiation
for Unshielded Locations

No theoretical models for estimating transit radiation from water-

surface bursts have been developed, but two models are available for

subsurface bursts. Order-of-magnitude estimates for surface bursts
are given in Ref. 47, which states "the fireball formed by a surface
shot will vaporize water below it; this water, the explosion products,
and entrained air will form a radioactive mushroom cloud. Below the
cloud a tenuous stem or column of water will be raised and the coluwm
collapse will probably create a relatively minor base surge .....


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Select target paragraph3