DNA 1240H-2

after making appropriate corrections, subtracting the deposit dose

(dose accumlated after fallout started) from the GITR records.


such results must be considered speculative.


Underwater Bursts



Transit radiation data available for underwater burete are

from the four low-kiloton shots listed in Table 17-2.

The magnitudes

of the measured transit doses were significant in all four cases.
Furthermore, the data indicate that the significance of transit radtation as a contaminating mechanism may be associated with the phase
At Operation
of the bubble when it breaks trhrough the surface.

Crossroads, Shot Baker, the shallow burst that produced a broad column
and mushroom cloud, the deposited activity from the rainout or fallout,

‘Yather than transit radiation, was the mejor source of contamination.
However, there was practically no fallout from any of the ot


deeper bursts, and in each of those three tests the transit
was the source of the gamma doses measured on the target ships. Avail-

able data are’summarized in the following paragraghs.

‘Operation Crossroads, Shot Baker: A few dose-rate histories

were recorded at Shot Baker,44,4,40and are estimated to be partly due to
transit radiation. References +4and45 reproduce time-dose-rate records
from four of the target ships. Examination of those records indicates
that significant gamma doses were delivered during the times the ships

were enveloped by the base surge.

For instance, during envelopment by

the base surge, peak dose rates of about 3500 r/hr, 180 r/hr, and 150 r/hr

were recorded on LCT 874 (2420 yd from surface zero and slightly downwind)
on APA 77 (USS CRITTENDEN, 1500 yd from surface zero and slightly downwind), and on ICI 332 (1890 yd from surface zero and elightly upwind),


the departure of the surge caused no noticeable

decrease in the dose-rate curves. Furthermore, on LCI 332 although the
dose rate increased from about 50 r/hr to about 150 r/hr during en-

velopment by the base surge between 2 and 5.6 min, the dose rate suddenly increased to about 870 r/hr at 7 min when the surge was about

300 yd downwind from the ship. According to Ref. 29, at weather deck
locations, it was "estimated that 50 percent of the total dose was radfated from the mist during the time in which the vessels were engulfed

by the mist,"and the same study gives a contour map of transit-rad-

tation doses, obtained by subtracting deposit doses (computed by means

of fallout collections) from total doses (measured by film badges).
ration Hardtack:

The two underwater bursts of this oper-

ation (Shots Umbrella and Wahoo) provide the best transit-radiation

records of any weapons test, and results indicate that exposure to the

base surge of a shallow or moderately-deep underwater burst can result
in high doses within the first 15 to 30 min.

Dose-rate histories were

recorded*? aboard the three DD's and the EC-2 at shots Umbrelle and


Select target paragraph3