17.4.2 Factors Affecting the Interaction of F.P.C.
Radiation With a Target Ship
(1) Factors Affecting Neutron Radiation.

The amount of neutron

radiation received at a target some distance from a nuclear detonation
is dependent on several factors: the characteristics of the nuclear
device; the distance of the target from the detonation (the neutron

source); and the shielding around the target point.

The device characteristics markedly affect both the number of
neutrons emitted and the energy spectrum at the source.! ’ The bomb
materials, particularly the hydrogenous high explosives used, capture

neutrons efficiently and hence affect the number and energy of the
prompt neutrons that escape into the air.

Furthermore, several

times as many neutrons are released per kiloton of fusion yield as
per kiloton of fission yield. 18 Te neutron--energy spectrum at the

source affects the distribution of energies (the spectrum) at the

target, and the neutron energy spectrum at the target, in turn,

affects the neutron radiation dose at the target.

Prompt neutrons

released by the detonation of a fission weapon have a continuous
energy spectrum that peaks at about 1 Mev at the source, while almost
all the neutrons mesultingfrom detonation of a fusion device are 14
Mev at the source .t 8 According to Ref.19, field-test data indicate that
the slow neutrons with energies of less than about 1 ev contribute no
more than 2% of the total neutron dose received at distances of

biological interest, whereas the faster neutrons with energies greater than

0.75 Mev

contribute about 75% of the dose.

The distance from the detonation to the target affects both the

number of neutrons reaching the target and the energy spectrum at the
As the prompt neutrons leave the environment of the bomb they
undergo collisions with nuclei of elements present in the atmosphere

and either are captured or scattered (lose energy) with each collision.

The mean free path between the collisions is dependent on neutron

energy, and can vary from about 100 meters (thermal neutrors) to greater
than 300 meters (14 Mev neutrons). Each collision will result in
either a decrease in neutron energy or in neutron capture and hence


The longer the path to the target, the more collisions are

possible; therefore fewer neutrons will reach more distant targets
since more capture reactions are possible.
The neutron energy spectral
characteristics at the target depend on the relative importance of
the scatter and capture processes during these collisions.
Capture is
usually much more probable for very low energy neutrons.
Hence, after
neutrons traverse a few mean free paths in air, just as many low-energy
neutrons are lost by capture as are produced when higher energy neutrons
lose energy through the scattering process.
The result is an equilibrium

neutron energy spectrum after the radiation has traversed a few mndred
meters of air or a few centimeters of iron or other solid material.


Select target paragraph3