DNA 1240H-2


17-2 lists the shots from which data are available, their

dates of detonation, yieids, und burst conditions, and also lists
three British shots from which some data are available.

For each U. S. operution, several ships were instrumented to
measure shipboard nuclear radiation.
At Operation Crossroads, a4
whole array of decommissioned ships instrumented with film badges
and a few gamna time-intensity recorders were moored at various
locations about surface zero.
At Operation Castle, two Liberty

ships, the YAG's 39 and 40, were modified to have parts of each
ship simlate portions of Navy combatant ships. Both ships were

equipped for remote-control operation, and traversed the fallout
areas of the several shots while numerous instruments aboard re-

corded the gamma radiation. One ship was equipped with washdown
(a system that largely prevents accumilation of deposited activity
on the ship's weather surfaces). The two YAG's were used similarly
at Operations Redwing and Wigwam, when both were equipped with

washdown systems.

At Operation Hardtack, the three destroyers used as target ships
were moored at different distances downwind of surface zero of each

of the underwater shots, and were extensively instrumented to measure

gamma radiation.

A fourth ship, the SS MICHAEL MORAN (EC-2), a

World War II Liberty ship selected from the reserve fleet for use as

@ target ship, was instrumented to measure gamma radiation on the
weather deck, and was moored upwind of surface zero for Shot Wahoo and
crosswind for Shot Umbrella.
All four ships were equipped with wash-

down systems.

In addition, floating coracles designed for the

operation were moored at many locations, and were instrumented to

yield gamma-radiation histories representative of dose rates at unshielded weather-deck locations. Floating film packs were also used

to measure total exposures.

Some weapon-effects data are available from three British shots.

At Operation Hurricane, fallout data are available from island

stations located near surfoce zero.
At Oreration Mosaic, although
the weapons were detonated on towers, it is cnatimated that the fire-

ball of shot Ge may have toucned the sca.

Abourd the HM DIANA,

which was positioned more than 50 miles downwind where no health
hazard was anticipated, measurements were mude of fallout and the
ingress of activity through combustion tnd ventilation air.

17.3.5 summary


Available water-shot weapons-test dose and dose-rnte data obtained

for all the significant components of radiation at various locations

(both shielded. and unshielded) and at various distanceg: frodd” surface zero indicate that radiation intensities vary with durst depth,


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Select target paragraph3