19 August 1973


Personnel casualties and expected incapacitation resulting from ex-

posure to nuclear weapon effects parameters at a number of levels besides
those specified in the CDC criteria are also discussed in Capabilities of
Nuclear Weapons @. referred to as EM-1 in the remainder of this section.

Both of the aforementioned documents discuss effects of air or
land-surface burets on troops, but do not consider the specific environmental conditions of shipboard personnel exposed to the thermal and radiological effects of a water-surface or underwater burst.

For instance, the

CDC risk criteria are based on low incidence of sickness among many so0ldiers, and are assumed to result in the non-neutralization of friendly

On board ship, however, only a few individuals may be trained in

the performance of specific tasks, and even temporary ineffectiveness may
significantly hamper operations.
The CDC radiation criteria are based on responses of monkeys, under
controlled conditions, since most available information on effects on humans are derived from hospital patients.
not comparable, physically, with ships'

These subjects in many cases are
personnel or combat troops.


ever, certain effects noted in human patients should not be ignored. Among
a number of older patients (Saenger, et al., 1970), it was found that after
whole-body exposure of as little as 100 rads, some individuals experienced
nausea and vomiting of the same duration and severity as those receiving

whole-body doses twice as great.

After 150 rads exposure, over one-half

the patients experienced severe nausea and vomiting.

Among somewhat

younger patients in better physical condition (Saenger, et al., 1971),
four of seven patients who received 200 rads whole-body radiation were so

ill (nausea and vomiting) immediately following irradiation as to markedly
impair their ability to function.

In another report, all patients (in good

general condition) receiving 300 rad absorbed dose within about 15 min ex-

hibited the same symptoms with little individual variation (Rider and

after an asymptomatic interval of 45-60 min, projectile

vomiting followed for 15-20 min, succeeded by deep sleep alternating with

for 6-8 hr.

Shipboard personnel so affected would be “temporary
ah Pe geeaay

casualties", a category not “tHe tide “in

only permanent ineffectiveness.



DC criteria, which consider

Select target paragraph3