DNA 1240H-2

Hordtack resulting from combustion air intakes were within the dose
range estimated theoretically.°? It should be noted that accurate
estimates of ingress dose are still impossible.

References 33 and 66

represent the best available information, but even in these studies,

results could be presented only as a wide range of values due to
uncertainties, assumptions, and approximations in the ingrese-dose

For underwater bursts at shallow or moderate depths, such as Shots

Umbrella and Wahoo, comparison of estimated ingress doses with total
doses at below-decks locations reveals that the doses due to ingress

of contaminant were in all cases secondary to the doses due to transit
However, if shielding were provided to reduce the dose due
to exterior transit radiation, then radiation due to interior contamination from bursts such as these two could require consideration.
For deep underwater bursts, such as Wigwam, there was no detectable
contamination of ships traversing the path of the aerosol within 20 min

after burat.



Select target paragraph3