DNA 1240H-2

elliptical contaminated surface urea with the leading edge about 2.5 mt

west of the shot point at H+ 2 hr.

of 50 ft at early times.

The contamination extended to depths

According to Ref.

&, the greatest amount of

radioactivity in the water ot surface zero at H + 48 hr was found in
samples taken below the thermocline, which was located at 100 meters.

Doses due to the water recorded in the second hour after burst
appear to be insignificant.
Floating film pucks dropped into the down-

wind array 120 min after Wahoo und 00 min after Umbrella "did not register any dose significantly above background; therefore the film-pack
data indicate no contribution from radioactive material suspended in the

water after those times."
Reference 32 concludes that the passage of
radioactive foam would represent a serious hazard to small boats between
5 to 15 min after burst, although waterborne radioactivity is of secondary importance aboard ships.”

Investigation of the radioactive contamination of the water following

Shot Wahoo 8 indicated that, at the end of 3.5 days, the boundaries of

the radioactive water mass extended beyond the survey area, 50 mi to the

west of Eniwetok Atoll, and to a depth of at least 300 meters.


of water samples collected et 5.5 hr and 27 hr after detonation in-

dicated activity present at all depths sampled (from the surface to 300
meters). The measured amounts of beta radioactivity in the water were
the same at both times.

At 48 hr after burst, at surface zero, the

greatest amount of radioactivity was found in the samples tuken helow
the thermocline.

gperetion Wigwam:


On 14 May 1955, Shot Wigwam (about 32 KT) was

at a depth of 2000 ft in very deep water.

Reports of water-

surface radioactivity from thie operation are contradictory, and it is
impossible to determine which of the primary documents 2»
is more
Discussion of the depth-probe measurements®2 is also

difficult to interpret.

Reference 8&3 states that "Project 2.1 arranged that samplers be
dropped and towed through the area, tut had no part in the sample
recovery." Unfortunately, most of the samples were lost.

*More recent data from the Sword Fish underwater shot, received too
late for detailed inclusion in this report indicate that the early-time

radioactive-pool hazard to larger ships can be of considerable
significance during the first half hour after burst.


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Select target paragraph3