
The per cent of activity remaining on the filters in

those samples filtered at date of collection (August 8 - 14,

1s 5 to 170 times that found in the samples filtered

January 13,


Thus a considerable amount of leaching

occurred during the intervening period.
After wi85 was detected and identified in the samples
of plankton from the Collett survey,
at Eniwetok,



Atolls in the Marshall Islands,
Caroline Islands,

other specimens collected


Utirik and Wotho

Kapingamarangi Atoll in the

Tarawa Atoli in the Gilbert Islands,


Kusaie and Ponape Atolls in the Senyavin Islands were examined

by gamma spectrometry for the photopeak (0.055 MEV) of wi85.
The isotope was found only in samples from Eniwetok,


Rongelap and Ujelang Atolls.

Eniwetok Atoll Samples
Chemical separations were made on Scaevola leaves from
Belle Island by ion-exchange and precipitation methods.

[In the

anions from the ion-exchange column only the peaks of energy
represented by wi85 and Zr?9-Nb?> were observed in the gamma


RulO3+106_py103+106 yere driven off by heat in the

ashing process.

In the precipitation separation,

specific for tungsten,

which is

only the 0.055 MEV photopeak and the 0.03

Select target paragraph3