- 13

are given.

The amount of wiSs based on volume is highest in

plankton from station 4% rather than from station 38,


contained the highest level based on dry weight of plankton.
The values based on dry weights are probably more accurate

than those based on volume because of errors in volume determination and variation in plankton species between samples,
which result in different volume to dry weight ratios.
During the three-week interval following the Collett

the station at which the highest values for plankton

were found had shifted 150 miles westward
represents the movement of the water mass,

If this shift
it is a net

advance of 7.3 miles per day and is a close approximation of
the known westward movement of the water in this area.

At the

end of three weeks the center of high activity was again sam-

pled for water and plankton.

No wi85 was found (Fig. 4).

Plankton collected at two stations just north of Ujelang

Atoll contained 280,000 c/m/g dry weight of wi85.
which was also detected on soil,
taken at Ujelang Atoll,

This isotope,

plant and animal samples

will be discussed later.

Plankton samples collected half way between Bikini Atoll

and Rongelap Atoll contained 21,000 d/m/g dry weight of wis |
The isotope was also found in samples from Nan Island at Bikini
and from Rongelap Atoll.

Select target paragraph3