
completion of assessment of generic environmental impacts of

‘geopressured energy.


completion of study of land-use impacts of geothermal resource


Completion of comprehensive assessment of environmental control


cCampletion of assessment of radiological consequences of resettlement
of northern half of Enewetak Atoll after clean up.


Completion of radiological analyses of samples taken from 13


Completion of miniaturized CO2 sensor system development.

development at the Geysers.

technologies applicable to proposed geothermal energy systems
in the Imperial Valley.

atolls studied in the Northern Marshall Islands Multi~Atoll Survey.

Fiscal Year 1981

cCommercialization of "Transuranic Aerosol Monitoring System".


Final summary assessment of all 13 atolls studied in the Northern
Marshall Islands Muliti-Atoll Survey.




Environmental Readiness Document for geopressure development.


Conduct an environmental assessment of hydrothermal direct-use


Provide the first Annual Health and Environment Effects Assessment
for Geothermal Energy Development.

Development Plan for "Hot Dry Rock" geothermal

Fiscal Year 1982

Completion of assessment of the environmental and human health
consequences of heavy oil extraction in California and other
western states.


Completion of assessment of impact of emissions of projected
commercial oil shale industry on air quality in the Piceance


Reappraisal of potential environmental control technologies for
underground coal gasification.


Provide the Second Annual Health and Environmental Effects
Assessment for Geothermal Energy Development.

gin i09

Select target paragraph3