misshapen sperm and variability in DNA content, These experiments
demonstrate for the first time the potential utility of sperm
DNA measurements to monitor for chemical and physical genetic
toxins in mammals including man.
Fifty men who worked in a pesticide production plant with
carbaryl were shown to have more semen defects than men ina
new-hire control group.

In addition,

cancer chemotherapeutic

drugs were shown to induce sperm defects.
Sperm morphology and
counts were found to be sensitive indicators of chemical exposure.

‘These studies are part of the validation phaseto determine whether
sperm defects in man can be used to quantitate chemical exposure.

Considerable mutagen detectable with a bacterial assay is formed
during the grilling of ground beef to a well-done, but non-charred
This mutagen appears to be formed from free amino acids
of fragments of protein molecules and not from intact protein.
However, preliminary results with mammalian bioassays indicate
much smaller effects of the mutagen in higher organisms.
studies will allow estimation of potential hazard to the population
from common cooking processes and design of preventive measures |
based on thorough knowledge of mechanisms.
Activation with specifically induced rodent metabolizing liver

(cytochrome P-450's) was found necessary for cooked beef

extracts to cause bacterial mutations.

Best induction was with

PCB's, a common terrestrial and aquatic pollutant, and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, common to cigarette smoke, barbecued

foods and polluted air.

The induction specificity of the liver

enzymes has been used to help identify the active compounds in

cooked beef extracts.
Mutagen-activating enzymes from the
intestine were also increased by the inducers and natural
flavones, common in the human diet, gave the biggest effect.
Since the frequency of human cancer of the G.I. tract is rising
and man does ingest both cooked beef and the flavones,

it is

plausible that activation needed for mutagenicity/carcinogenicity
could occur in the human intestine.
A flow cytometric method for measuring the cell cycle kinetic
properties of the stem cells of the intestinal epithelium was

This will allow study of the response of these cells

to chemotherapuetic agents and theminimization of damage to

this important normal tissue during cancer chemotherapy.
Groups of rats are being induced to develop bladder cancer
slowly over a year's period.

Cancer cells at many stages in

heoplastic transformation are obtained by surgically removing
the lesions from the appropriate rat.
This is an excellent model
for studying the cell biology of neoplastic transformation,

and for research on early diagnosis of bladder cancer in humans.


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